expression subject

expression subjectexpression subject
  1. Behavior of Expression Subject of Analogy and Analysis of Pragmatic Features


  2. Expression of Subject Creativity for Interior Space


  3. Expression of Subject Creativity of Advertising Poster Design


  4. For example , an email activity can have configuration properties for recipient expression , subject and body .


  5. By analyzing the music expression , subject selection and expressive style , his music features are explained .


  6. In unisexual flowers some of the same genes are likely to be present and their expression is subject to hormonal and genetic control .


  7. The three cultural thoughts not only influence the selection of the material , the portrayal of the people , but also influence the writers ' art formation and the language use , especially . They also restrict the writers ' choice and expression of subject matters .


  8. The Expression of Chinese Subject in Romanian Toward the Republic


  9. But no matter how strong the role of , the expression is also subject to other genes and environmental impact .


  10. Distinctive character and therefore accurate expression as a subject of Memory Architecture of the soul of creation .


  11. There are some common points and personality in the expression of discourse subject ( speaker ) in the human language .


  12. The expression of humanitarianism subject of industrial literature has experienced multiple varieties in the period from modern literature to contemporary literature .


  13. Therefore , the expression of death subject in literature is an attempt to explain life existence value , life significance and dignity of human nature .


  14. As the expression of the subject , information forms the indirect existence of the subject , which is different from the direct existence of the subject .


  15. The former is an expression of feminist subject consciousness , while the latter is often considered as a narrative strategy under the pressure of masculine hegemony .


  16. Additionally , though the depict of the living state and social mentality based on Identity and Expression , this subject explores the social status , resources allocation and institutional barriers behind , providing a new perspective of public expression and political response .


  17. To allow a user to retrieve only specific data based on their logon information , we can use the following expression in the Query Subject filter .


  18. Through the expression of both the subject of a comparative analysis , sum up different " topics preposition " to express identity of the similarities and differences .


  19. Heat shock protein is a set of polypeptides with a highly conserved structure , and is also called heat stress protein since almost all organisms will have a heat shock protein expression when they are subject to extra stresses to a certain extent .


  20. In addition , the effect of interests expression relies on the expression ability of expressed subject , and the interests expression of rural vulnerable groups also need the help of the power of mass media and legal protection .
